Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4 ~ 2 Day’s Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
July 15, 2020. Studied with the king James bible


Our Father God will always want what is best for His children, therefore even when we may disagree with what He wants for us, we need to submit to Him. We’ve come to know God is our loving Father whose wisdom and guidance directs our lives much better than we can. In fact, our Lord informs us if we abide in Him, He will also abide in us, thus bringing us many good things so that we will prosper. However, those that live without Him cannot do anything. See> (John 15:5) 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. God needs us, ‘His Children’ who know Him as their Father in Heaven to go out and preach among those who struggle. For those who spend endless nights worrying if what they are doing is best for them. And among those who are overwhelmed with the everyday stress that comes from living without Jesus in their lives to help them, and to help them understand that He is their loving Father, who knows what is best for all His people.

My final thoughts
Brothers and sisters, our father God needs all His people to know all that all He wants is for their hearts to love and know Him. He wants all of His people to believe in Him and accept Him as their Father God, knowing Jesus Christ is His Son who will forgive them of all their sin, if they confess them to Him, Refer to.> (1 John 1:9). Our Father God’s will for ‘ALL’ of His children is to act like His children and humble themselves before Him, knowing He is for them. I know I am a sinner just like every human being is. But I also know because I strive to live as Christ lived and serve my Father daily, I will make it into Heaven and live forever with my Father God. The Father of all creation whom I love wholeheartedly, Amen

Let us all pray this morning
Father God, this morning we ask you to guide us daily as we trust you to lead our lives. For we know you are with us 24 hours a day. We know that without you we could do nothing. So, we thank you Father, we thank you for your Son Jesus whom we know personally as our lord, our Savior, our counselor, and our friend. In your Son’s name Jesus Christ, we all pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance. Rev James Erick