Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4 ~ 2 Day’s Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
July 16, 2020. Studied with the king James bible


When do Christians draw the line and stop helping other folks eat and provide the essentials they need, but do not have money to buy them? And what does God say about it? Brother Terry Lloyd is a God fearing, God loving man, who is known to help God’s less fortunate people in his city eat among many other things. So when Steve Joels came into the city needing help to buy food until he was on his feet again, Mr. Lloyd helped him as he would for any of God’s people. But after several weeks or so, Mr. Lloyd saw that Steve had not tried to help feed himself. So, Mr. Lloyd stopped providing the funds Steve needed to eat. When a few members of the church heard about it, they publicly claimed Mr. Lloyd committed an unchristian act. Brother Lloyd said nothing to his accusers towards his defense, 'why?' Because he knew his actions were justified in His Father in Heavens eyes, and felt no need to defend them.
During the next week, brother Lloyd had become part of the town's gossip regarding his actions being unchristian like. Therefore, Terry decided with his pastor’s permission to address the congregation during the next service about his action. That day the Pastor officially announced that Mr. Lloyd’s will be addressing the accusations folks have been gossiping about in reference to his alleged unchristian act of not providing for Steve.

My Final thoughts
At the beginning of the service Mr. Lloyd stood at the altar to address the congregation.
Please everyone, may I have your attention. Let me begin by informing those of you who do not know me that I give my Father in Heaven His credit for blessing me with the financial ability to help His unfortunate people. Just as God has blessed most of us with the ability to work which enables us to buy food, and the things we need to take care of ourselves, my heart receives joy from honoring my Father in Heaven’s will for me to help others. And I am grateful for the opportunity to do so under the direction and guidance of His Son Jesus Christ.
Now, as far as all this gossip and accusations go, some of you say that I have committed an act folks consider to be un-Christian when I stopped helping Steve buy food, please hear me out. I stopped giving when I became aware about Steve’s lack of desire to work and do nothing to help himself, but would rather take advantage of the generosity from others to live and eat free. God’s word informs us to work and that those who do not work neither shall they eat. See> (2 Thessalonians 3:10) 10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. … As I have told you good folks, I serve God under the direction and guidance of His Son Jesus Christ. Therefore I have not acted in an unchristian manner. I am sorry if any of you still feel I have committed an unjust act in God’s eyes, and I ask you to seek our Father's word for further direction. May our Father in Heaven bless all of you, amen.

Let us pray together
Father God, we thank you for providing us all with a unique gift: the gift we can use to help others. We ask you to help guide us when we use our gifts, that they may help those you send to us and bring them the same joy and happiness that it does for us. In your Son’s name Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance. Rev James Erick