Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News God's News 4 ~ 2 Day’s Daily, Inspirational, Written by Rev James Erick

July 23, 2020. Studied with the king James bible


Praise God, it is great to know through God’s grace and mercy His people can be saved. And even greater to know that I am saved, because before I was a Christian I feared dying. I had been raised a catholic and aware of the difference between eternal damnation in Hell and God’s Heavenly Kingdom. One could say they found it unusual for a child to go to confession as often as I would. After going to confession, I felt grateful to have a God that forgives me if I confessed my sins to my priest. However, I still feared I could possibly die before I made it to confession. This fear remained part of my life until my uncle told me that a man could not forgive another man’s sin. That man can only forgive other men from the wrong they have done to them. My uncle told me that only Jesus Christ can save my soul from going to Hell. At first, I was upset over the lies my priest had been telling me, until my uncle asked me to forgive my priest and start going to church with him and his family. I went to church with them that Sunday and felt a presence around me unlike any I had never felt before. My uncle told me it was The Holy Spirit. I loved how The Holy Spirit made me feel and wanted more. After a few services I chose to confess my sins, but this time I confessed them to Jesus Christ. Today, I am glad I'm a child of God who no longer fears dying.  I live to serve my Father God with my Lord Jesus Christ guiding my heart, my mind, my soul, and my fingers as I spread my Father's good news of salvation as far as the internet reaches.

My Final thoughts 

Today I am grateful, for my mind no longer fears dying because I have overcome Satan's power now that my Father God lives within me. I know that with God, Satan is unable to control my thoughts with the fear of dying unforgiven. How? Because today I am a child of God which makes me greater than the devil. See> (1 John 4:4)4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Today I know my Lord has secured my room in one of my Father God’s mansions in Heaven, where my Lord has gone to prepare a place for me. See> (John 14:2)2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. … This morning let me tell you there is no reason to fear death. We do not need to allow our hearts to be troubled because we believe in God, therefore His Son Jesus Christ has reserved a room for our spiritual beings in one of our Father’s mansions in Heaven, Amen. 

Let us all pray together  ...

Lord, our words can never thank you enough for everything you help us with. And this morning we ask you to help us teach other misguided folks that you are the only one who they can confess their sins to. For we know you are the only way for them to ensure their souls will occupy the room you’ve reserved for their spiritual beings up in Heaven. We thank you Lord, in your name Jesus Christ we all pray. Amen.  

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance.

Copyright © 2020RevJamesErick

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