Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4 ~ 2 Day’s Daily, Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
July 31, 2020. Studied with the king James bible


The best advice my friend and reverend told the congregation before he announced his retirement, began like this. He confessed to everyone there had been times during his life when his personal relationship with his Father in Heaven was not so great. Often it was more down than up until he realized his relationship with God suffered, when his thoughts were focused more on what men around him thought about him, rather than what his Father God thought about him. He told us his heart desired to please his Father in Heaven, but until he accepted the sacrifice for his sin that God provides all His people who seek Him through the death of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross, he was unable to please God. See. (Romans 8:8) 8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. … Surely, every one of us is guilty of trying to impress how someone else thinks about us, whether it is our boss or a person who could greatly influence others for our favor. When we do, we need to represent our Father in Heaven, letting His love in us influence their opinion about us. We should pray, love, and help each other with our faults through the light and guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ. Once we are mature Christian’s, God trusts his word will be taught by our voices, ‘His children’s voices’, as we read and teach His Good News for all His people in the world to know.’ See> (1 Thessalonians 2:4) 4 But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts. ... Therefore, it is important what our Father God thinks about us during our lives here on earth. ‘Why?’ Because it is crucial what God thinks about us when He judges us and makes His decision to where our spiritual beings will be spending their eternity after our human bodies die. Jesus Christ tells God’s people if they love Him, they will strive hard to live their lives in obedience to our Father God’s commandments. See> (John 14: 15) 15 If ye love me, keep my commandments. … I suggest we take heart in our lord’s words.

My Final thoughts
Living for God requires that we undoubtedly and wholeheartedly allow our Lord Jesus Christ to dictate how we live our lives while we are visiting this planet, How? Through our faith and trust in our Father God, we must obey and follow our Lord Jesus Christ’s decisions for us. Once we do this our Father in Heaven will know our hearts are true, and His love flows through us, as we live our lives for Him. We know God is pleased and is glorified by our good works, of which we can only achieve through the assistance of His Son Jesus Christ who works within us. Only together with God, our Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are we able to proudly serve our Father God. As we stay focused on Jesus, we will receive His direction, and by accepting His guidance we please our Father in Heaven. I am grateful this old reverend can do so, yet I must ask all my brothers and sisters to pray for me, for I am far from being a perfect Christian. I just like all of us need to seek our Lord’s forgiveness often, knowing by our faith His love and grace will be upon us even though we are still sinners. I am not the man I used to be, and God knows the person He wants me to be, and He knows I strive hard to be that person. ‘Who is that preacher?’ I claim in the name of our Lord and Savior to be a Christian soldier, who has an opportunity to write a daily inspirational message, that my Lord and my God inspires me to write. To achieve this, we can no longer let other folks press us into their mold. We must strive hard to be a true child of God, for this is all our Father in Heaven wants, and who He requires us to be.

Let us all pray together …
With you Lord we know we can live our lives as righteous as possible; we know we can be who God wills us to be. With you Lord we can stay focused on you, as we strive hard to live the way you lived. Our only way to bring our Father God pleasure and joy each day is through you Lord. So, this morning we ask you to help us be the person our Father needs us to be, thus fulfill the plan God has for our lives. In your name Jesus Christ, we all do pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
Copyright © 2020RevJamesErick

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