Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4 ~ 2 Day’s Daily, Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
August 14, 2020. Studied with the king James bible


Someone once asked me how I was sure that God loves me? I told them to understand God’s love, they would first need to know that God is their Father God who loves all His people. He wants them to know He is their heavenly Father. There is no greater love than the love of our Father in Heaven, who sent down His son to die for us so that we could live a life for Him. See> (Romans 5:8) 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. .. God’s love for those who believe in Him, for those who live by His word is so great, He promises that they will live for all eternity with Him. See> (John 8:51) 51 Verily, verily, I say unto you, If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death. …

My Final thoughts
Our Father in Heaven loves His children so much, He forgives their mistakes and does not remember the unrighteous things they did before they confessed their sins to His Son Jesus Christ, and repented of their wrong doings with a sincere heart. Let me assure everyone reading this inspirational story this morning that if God did not love His people enough to forgive and forget our transgressions, I certainly would not be writing this inspirational story without my Father, His Son Jesus, along with my heart's roommate, The Holy Spirit. Without them I would not understand my Father's words which inspire my thoughts. Another way to know our Father God ‘loves us is the fact He has his angels constantly guarding us, protecting us, and helping us in every aspect of our lives. ‘How do you know this Preacher?’ Because of my faith in His word that promises us His angels watch over everything we do. See> (Psalm 91:11) 11 For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” God has done His part in showing His love for us, by doing what He has already done, such as sacrificing His Son Jesus Christ. So that through His Son, His people can receive forgiveness and the cleaning of their Spiritual beings, so that souls may have the chance to live with Him forevermore in Heaven.

Let us pray together
Father God, thank you for loving us unconditionally, that we can seek forgiveness through your Son Jesus Christ. Thank you for loving us enough to accept us as we were the day, we came to know you as our Father God. We thank you for keeping the eyes of your Angels upon us, helping us with all we do. In your Son’s name Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
Copyright © 2020RevJamesErick

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