Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s Daily Inspiration written by Rev James Erick
Sept 09/2020. Studied with the King James Bible

After Tony Barrett came home from his first day as foreman, his wife Christy saw how frustrated he was. He told his wife Christy he hadd never worked with such a dysfunctional crew, and the stress was overwhelming over his crew's stubbornness to follow procedure and direction. The next day was worse than his first. The tension on the site was causing the crew a lot more difficulty as tempers flared towards each other. Tony did not take his new foreman position lightly, wanting his first assignment to be successful and impressive to the new company owners. On his way home that evening Tony prayed to his Father God seeking a solution. When he pulled into his driveway His lord told him to. ‘Bring me with you.’ During dinner Tony told his wife how the day was worse than the others and he did not know how or what to do about it. Christy knew her husband needed his Lord’s direction so later that evening, Tony and she sought the counsel of their friend and partner in life Jesus Christ. After their prayer Christy reminded her husband that Jesus is with him and wants to give his mind some rest. See> (Exodus 33:14)14 And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. … On the way to the site the next morning Tony prayed, giving Jesus the full authority over his crew, asking him to help his mind find the rest he needed to come up with a solution to his problem. That morning when his crew began to complain and argue among each other, Tony immediately told them he’d had enough and if they cannot work together as a team correctly, they won’t need to worry about working period.

My final thoughts
As things turned out, the crew had managed to pull themselves together and began working in sync, and with their full and very impressive potential. The job was successfully completed a few days ahead of schedule, and each of the crew members received a five-hundred-dollar bonus check from the owner. Tony’s wife announced a third member of the family is in the oven. Tony’s boss gave him a substantial bonus which he used as a down payment for their family home… Tony was blessed by his Father God that morning because of his faith that Jesus was with him and he sought his help, giving his mind the rest needed to come up with a solution .

Let us pray together ...
Dear Father God, please encourage us to remember to always seek rest with your Son Jesus Christ during stressful situations. That you may ease our minds with your Son and solve our problems. In your Son Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
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