Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 47 of 621 in Wall Photos

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Here's God's Prophetic Word For Today

Dearly Beloved, we may endeavor to the best of our ability to live a perfect life but owing to the fact that we are constantly surrounded by diabolical forced, we may sometimes carelessly miss the mark and feel deeply defeated. Does this mean that we are ultimately defeated without hope or a second chance? The most wonderful thought of God being merciful is by itself most encouraging for us to repent and perpetuate our battle again our only enemy Satan. Thank God that "LOVING KINDNESS" is one of God's Gracious Characters. If you are presently feeling miserable and helpless, you are bound to hear the subtle voice of Satan as he discourage you by reflecting in your past weaknesses. Satan does this to discourage you from honouring your appointment with God the Holy Spirit. Did you know that God preserved your seat in church, before you were born. Do not allow the enemy to remind you of your Past. "WHEN SATAN REMINDS YOU OF YOUR PAST, YOU REMIND HIM OF HIS FUTURE. Beloved, you may have encountered a serious problem and feel that you should no longer attend Church. I wish to humbly suggest that you ignore the voice of the enemy and heed the voice of the Almighty God. We are privileged to persevere in Christ, so don't give up the fight. (1 John. 1:9 If we confess our sins to God, He is ever so just and faithful to Forgive us for all our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.) It is the will of devil to abstain from church. It is the will of God to attend church with the heartfelt intent to intimately praise and worship God, to obtain wisdom by attentively listening to God's infallible Word, to receive God's gracious favor, to receive both physical and spiritual healing, to bask in the awesome presence of the Living God etc. Who would you please? Satan who endeavours to make your life a living hell, or Jesus who afforded you salvation and still continues to afford His gracious love, forgiveness, mercy, peace, tranquility, diving healing, etc. I pray you make the right decision. Stay blessed!

Rev. Allan Moodley
JRC Ministries

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