Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 85 of 621 in Wall Photos

1 John 3:8 ... He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this PURPOSE the Son of God was MANIFESTED, that he might DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL.
Why was the Son of God manifested? Jesus Christ did deliverance ministry & taught deliverance ministry to His disciples. To all believers in Jesus Christ, healing is the children’s bread, receiving deliverance, & delivering others, destroys the works of the devil ... hasatan.
We can walk in victory ... IF >>> we will walk IN Forgiveness, & in Holiness, & in Submission to Christ, & IN the power of the real Holy Ghost.
Now, when is the last time you cast out a devil in Jesus or Yeshua’s name? When is the last time you had a devil cast from you? If you are a born again believer you HAVE THE AUTHORITY to do so, If you believe.
Let us also add that the vast majority of physical & mental infirmity is demonic.
More raise eyebrows I can tell ... it is past time we all started to deal with this. Remember, it is a many membered body of believers & we all are under the headship of YESHUA HAMASHIACH ... our LORD & SAVIOR. The little finger does not run the whole hand, nor does the thumb ... but as they work together as needed the hand functions the way IT SHOULD. Let us never discourage another member for doing what the Holy Spirit has ignited them to do. And, if we cannot be with that brother or sister ... we can PRAY for them!
Amen & Maranatha!