Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Day’s Inspirational July 30th 2019
Studied with the King James Bible
Mike Strong, was loving his life living for Christ and today was a special day for him. Today Mike is celebrating his tenth year of salvation. But the devil, being an old-time friend of Mike’s had dropped in from nowhere and was determined to bring Mike back to the dark side. But first the devil would need to convince Mike that God had tricked him and nothing God said or promised to him was true, and when he died, he’d be with him in hell, and not with his God up in Heaven. The devil knew Mike was a different man, a man of God who was saved by God's mercy and grace through the blood of God’s sacrificed Son. The devil knew Mike was a strong man in Christ whose heart is now overflowing with his love for God. He knew Mike would be a tough one to get back. But Mike’s toughness was what the devil was wanting.
Yes, it’s true that the devil knows all these things about every one of us, and that’s exactly why he wanted Mike back. You see folks, the devil was needing a human slave that didn’t live by any rules, one who carried no morals. The devil reflected to when this man obeyed every command of his without mercy or care of who he hurts. That human was Mike and he came back for him. All Satan wanted Mike for was to cause misery and havoc on folks in hopes to lead them to the dark side. Back in the day Mike was the devil's right-hand man, so, one can see why Satan wanted Mike back, because he was his most loyal human soul collector he’d ever known.
Wow, folk’s this tells us a lot about Mike’s past, it tells us his character and loyalty belonged to the dark side. But most importantly it tells us God accepted Mike just the way he’d come to Him ten years ago, when Mike repented and confessed his sins to Jesus Christ. Then he asked Jesus into his heart as his Lord and Savior. God knew Mike was the devil's right-hand man, He knew Mike’s heart loved the darkness. He also knew the devil had tricked Mike when he was a young man. God knew Satan would be back on this day in the hopes of stealing Mike’s soul back, either by trick or treat. The devil was determined not to go back to hell without Mike's soul.
God is all knowing. See> (Psalm 147:5) 5 Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.
So, God was waiting, He’d been waiting for this day to come. And He was ready to defend his child Mr. Mike Strong, for Mike had earned His Father God’s mercy and his grace so He was there for Mike. God knew Mike's heart overflows with love for Him, He knew Mike served Him daily and honored His will. God knew Mike had grown strong in his faith and confidence in knowing he had received Father God’s mercy, and grace. See> (Hebrews 4:16) 16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
My final thought
Finally, God’s wrath would come upon Satan as it had so many times before. But God saw His son Mike’s confidence and his faith and determination to take Satan on. God saw Mike’s spirit was armed and ready for this battle, so waited for His Christian Soldier to handle the devil. 
Then, with a powerful command Mike called out the devil saying, “Now, now my old friend who has come to claim my soul. You're not going to get your way today Satan. I’ve changed today's plans. You should leave immediately for I have called upon my Father God, and with Him I’ll send you back to where you belong. But the devil only laughed at Mike giving no credit to the power of God Mike had burning through his spirit.
‘Ha, ha the devil began to laugh saying. Your no match for me son. You know who I am, who do you think you are? Then Satan could feel God’s presence rush upon him, and he felt the power of God flow through Mike’s voice as he stood over him with God’s army of Angels. Then he commanded Satan and his army of soldiers to be gone. I am Gods and I rebuke you, fear me for I am not alone my Father God has been waiting for this day. You should leave now.
Without further discussion, the devil left, for Satan knew he had been beaten from one of his best who now held the power of God. He’d been there many times before when he was out collecting souls. As the devil was leaving God told him. “Satan, your time for me and you to clash is coming soon. I picked Mike for those same reasons you wanted him back, for his loyalty, his faith and trust in Me. You see Satan, I needed my Son Mike to step up as he has done today. He has shown me that he is worthy to be my general and you’ll be seeing us again REAL SOON."
Let us pray.
Lord, we humbly thank your Father God for His mercy and grace. We want to be ready for battle in this war to come soon. We ask you to continue helping us build our confidence and faith in our Father God as we read His book of knowledge. Lord, allow His words to guide us each day. In your name Jesus Christ we all do pray, amen.
Rev James Erick