Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Day’s Inspirational story Thursday August 1st 2019
Studied in the King James Bible
I don't care who you are, a student, a professor, an atheist, a priest, or just an ordinary person. If you've had an opportunity to read or skim through the Gospel of Christ, there's no denying you would have seen the love and caring nature in our Lord, Jesus Christ's character and the love He has for all mankind? But, did you see how Jesus took more notice and care towards the hurting folks, like the lame, blind, and imprisoned than He did for some other folks? You may ask why? But I’ll tell you, if you’ll read The Gospel of Luke, you'll learn that Jesus answers your question during His first public speech, when He began His ministry. He told the people that He came to earth anointed with The Spirit of God to preach to the brokenhearted, the poor, the hurting, and deliver the captives as He gave sight to the blind.  See> (Luke 4:18) 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
So, there we have it. Over two thousand years ago Jesus Christ who is God's Son, came down to earth to help people that were hurting, no matter who they were. We’ve learned, He came to heal and preach to folks, and then He would tell them they should follow His example and do the things He's done. See> (John 13:15) 15 For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.
Jesus made it very clear to His disciples, (folks who follow Christ examples and live as He lived, helping those who hurt as we preach to those who don’t know God.) In modern day society these Disciples of Jesus Christ, are known as Christian's, (ones who live Christ like.) These are the Christians we see helping others and volunteering in ministries, because they strive on in their new life with Christ, 'actively serve their Father God in Heaven.’ Some folks may ask why? So, let me make sure everyone viewing knows. To be a Christian one must freely give up their own lives, giving it to their Father God with total submission. They honor and praise their Father God, for He gave them eternal life with Him up in Heaven. A Christian understands their Father God’s will for them, is that they do and live the same way as His disciples all those years ago. The only difference is today, Christians need to read God’s word to learn the examples and instructions Jesus Christ gave to His disciples on how to live their lives, once they’ve dedicated their hearts and minds and they stand united in 'total commitment,' to be ‘active Christians.’ God Promises His children they will receive the knowledge they need, and all that they need to survive and live their lives serving God. See> (2 Timothy 3:14-17) 14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; 15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
On a personal note, once I understood how important it was to become an active Christian, thus acquiring my God given right to be called a Christian there was no more thinking about it. I knew if I were to properly honor God’s will, I’d need to do it the way God instructed us to do. But for many years I tried living as Christ lived while I was still secretly living my own life. This simply does not add up to God’s instructions, and there’s no way to sugarcoat what needs to be said next. There is no possible way for anyone of us who have read God’s word, who can honestly say they are confused about how our Lord told us we need to live as true Christians/disciples. I'm not serving God on social media to socialize and make friends, though I truly do love all of you and consider everyone my friends, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
My Final thoughts
I strive hard to honor and respect my Father God's will for me to serve Him daily, with a full commitment to teach God's word as He inspires me to write these daily inspiration stories. You can believe me when I tell you good folks, “you would not like the man I use to be.” I can never thank Jesus Christ enough for forgiving the unrighteous living fool I use to be. But I thank Him daily as a humble servant, who strives hard every day to follow my Lord's example of who a Christian is supposed to be. I can’t help the fact I have my faults, I'm not perfect as my Lord proved He was. I'm just grateful our Father God has mercy on us. Amen.
Let us pray
Dear God, thank you Jesus! Thank you for being so merciful with your mercy and Grace, which you freely give us daily. Thank you for accepting our human faults as we try every day to live representing Your righteousness and love. We pray our service to you is every bit of what you require from us, as your children and dedicated servants. We thank you Father God for providing us the opportunity each day to share Your loving warmth into cold hearts. And, to bring Your Son Jesus into the darkened souls, such as mine use to be, until I finally got to know You God, after your Son forgave me and I received Your gift of salvation. In His name Jesus Christ, we all do pray. Amen.
Rev James Erick