Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 194 of 621 in Wall Photos

David Rife

Do we understand where we are headed?
Today’s classrooms in schools do not promote the American Dream. Instead they focus on deleting history and redefining the true words of the American Constitution, this is not a new practice, this was implemented over the past two decades as socialist moved to take our nation. Today’s kids are taught individualism. That’s just a nice word for selfishness and it can not be looked at in any different manner. Our schools are over run with leftist teachings and practices.
Our government is corrupt and unwilling to compromise with the very people who elected them to Work For Them. (I capitalize that because that’s their position). But we have seen even the best people get in and within two terms of service turn their heads at their constituents. The long term party members have become greedy through the practice of activism. They become quickly wealthy and powerful. The unlimited term of office should be dissolved. But it is they themselves that hold that power. They make laws that control us, and yet they make laws that don’t pertain to themselves. How is that not a overreach of our very Constitution?
Our President was voted into office by we the people of the United States. His job was secured against all odds by people standing in hope of resolving the corruption that’s taking place. But he is one man and he is wore down daily by a press and media hell bent on destroying nationalism. If you are white, or black, or Hispanic, or Asian, or Native American, or any other race. If you don’t go along with the narrative you are singled out and called a racist, you see it don’t matter what or who you are, you are a voice of dissidents and a threat to them. It dose not even matter what religion you are, they will attack you. Our President was facing a coup by the very agency that was designed to protect him and the American way.
Now we once again face the very real threat of gun confiscation by these same agencies and people. Our President has asked both side to sit down and write a law. The problem being that we have a outside government being formed before our eyes that has infiltrated both sides. As Americans we have a constitutional duty to supervise and inform our elected officials of our opinions. We have a responsibility to protect the very document that defines our nation.
None of us want what many of us see coming down the road for our Nation. Nobody wants a war where we have brother against brother again. But we have media members and even leftist presidential hopefuls calling for violence against us that disagree with a global world order. These are the very same people screaming to start gun bans and confiscation. So you can see their plan clearly. They want to eliminate and destroy Nationalist, Patriots, Christians, Conservatives, and all others opposed to them.
We can not fall, if we do where dose this nation go from here? What happens to our children and grandchildren. They are already damaged by social media with their phones at their fingertips. They are already displaying poor social skill interactions. Unable to cope with work when they hit the job force.
What are you going to do?