Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Days Inspirational August 13th 2019
Studied with the King James Bible
Baby Keira

Let’s reflect on the time shortly after Keira was born. It was Mr. and Mrs. White’s 3rd term working as volunteers’ interpreters who serve in their Father God’s group of Christian Soldiers. They traveled around the world teaching folks about God's plan for salvation for every man.

Leila’s obstetrician told her after his examination of baby Keira that he was sure she was a strong healthy baby. But he failed to notice little Keira’s heart has a heart defect. Over the next few weeks everything was fine until one early morning. Keira’s heart stops and she passed away while her parents were asleep. But baby Keira wasn’t alone that night. Her Father God who’d been watching over her was aware of the events that were to take place that morning. See> Psalm 46 : 1; God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

God Knew His daughter Mrs. White well, because over many years their trust and faith in each other allowed them to form their personal relationship. Leila knew in her heart she would not deny knowing her Father God. God knew Leila would trust in Him and she would always count on His comfort. See> (2 Corinthians 1:3-4) 3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; 4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

Even though God knew Leila’s heart and knew she would be able to trust in her Father God’s will for her daughter's fate, He wanted to protect her. Even though God knew His daughter Leila’s faith and trust in Him was strong enough to stick with her Father God through anything. And even though God knew these things, He knew none of them would come to be.

But Leila’s Father God loving heart didn’t want His child’s heart to be consumed and devastated. God didn’t want her to lose control of her mind and fall back into the depressed state she’d been in the day she had called upon His help. And besides all that Keira’s death just was not His plan for her. You see folks, God had already made plans for Keira, and her mother Leira long before Leira dedication her life to love and serve Him. For this reason, God stood over Keira's body and laid His palm over baby Keira’s chest. Then God’s Holy Spirit full of life flowed into Keira’s heart as life was given back to her.

Then God touched her soul, giving her a special gift. A gift that would be revealed for all the world to know, when Keira would turn eleven years old. Because on that day, in Part three of God’s Christian Soldiers, we will all learn the special gift our father God gave His baby daughter Keira.

To be continued

Written by a dedicated Christian soldier for God
Rev James Erick