Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 204 of 621 in Wall Photos

God’s News 4~2Days Inspirational August 14th, 2019
Studied with the King James Bible


God's Christian Soldiers were delivering supplies to several small islands in the area, the supplies were very much needed. Kiera had been waiting over a year to see her best friend Sarah. And ever since the ship docked several hours earlier, Keira had been anxiously asking her mom when they'd go see Sarah. The last she'd seen her best friend Sarah was on her tenth birthday over a year ago. Now finally Keira’s waiting was over as she and her Mom Mrs. Leila White started walking on a five-mile trip through the jungle, on the way to Sarah’s cottage. There were no automobiles or any other modern transportation there on the island. In fact, if it weren't for batteries there was no form of electricity. Sarah family lives in a hut with a red clay floor. Her family lived under worse than poverty conditions. Because of God’s Christian Soldiers and a couple other world ministries, Sarah's people would have water, they would sometimes go weeks without clean drinking water.

Finally, they reached Sarah’s residence, but as they approached the door Keira told her mom she had a feeling something was wrong. Something had happened, “Keira told her mother she doesn’t like this feeling that had come over her and didn’t want to go inside anymore. Her mom told her everything would be okay and to remember our Father God is watching over us, and He’ll protect us even when we aren’t aware, He’s with us. See> (Deuteronomy 31:6) 6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

Keira’s weary feeling intensified tremendously the moment Sarah’s mom opened the door. But before Keira could ask where Sarah was, her mother told her she’d taken ill a few months back, and she was on her deathbed. But why? What happened to Sarah? “Keira asked.” Sarah’s mom told her all the doctors on the island don’t know what happened to her daughter. After a few moments Sara looked up to the Heavens, crying out unto God asking Him, “Why? Why God? Please! Why must you take my only daughter?”

After Sarah’s mother pulled herself together and before she opened Sara’s bedroom door, she forewarned Keira and her mom that her daughter could pass away anytime. The moment the door opened Keira saw Sarah’s pale face try to smile, but when they're eyes made contact Keira saw Sarah’s weak smile, and looked at her mom and asked, "Isn't there something God can do?" Her mom said, "Yes God can do anything you asked of Him, if it be his will and He will answer you." See> (Isaiah 65:24) 24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

"How do I ask Him momma?" "Just talk to God the way you pray to Him at night before you go to sleep, but this time you’ll need to pray over your friend knowing our Father God hears your request.” "Momma, will God save my friend Sarah? She's too young to die and she’s my only best friend". Leila looked down at her daughter and said, “Let’s pray.” Keira asked Sarah’s mom where Sara hurt, and then laid her palm over Sara’s chest. And instantly The Holy Spirit's healing power revealed to young Keira that Sara had a lung infection. Then Keira closed her eyes and for her first time in Keira’s young age, she began to pray over Sara’s lungs. Keira started using the special gift her Father God had left in her soul so many years ago, when he touched her with His mighty healing power. The Power of life and death that He had used to bring her back from death eleven years ago. For her Father God had given her the gift of His healing power, and the gift of life or death to save those who believe in Him.

My final thoughts.
God gives everyone of us whose received salvation through His son Jesus Christ a gift, so they can live their new lives with His Son, honoring His will for them to serve Him through the power of The Holy Spirit.
All they need to do is live their lives committed to obeying God’s laws and His will. And to do so unselfishly with a dedicated and loving heart that desires to, as their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ lived, taking on His cross. Amen.

Let us pray
Dear God, we are here this morning thanking you for the gifts you’ve given us, to succeed in honoring your will for us to serve you while we live in this beautiful world you’ve provided us. We thank you for providing us with the things we need therefore freeing our minds from worry and stress. We love you God and we pray in the name of your son Jesus Christ, amen.

Written by a dedicated Christian soldier for God
Rev James Erick

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