Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Day’s Daily Inspirational August 29th ,2019
Studied with the King James Bible


Amber never feared the devil’s evil doers during her battle against them. Her faith and trust in God had come a long way over the years living with Christ. She knew the devil would always be a threat to her. She’d known it every time she stepped out on the streets over the last twenty years that she'd been witnessing to sinners downtown on the streets, about two miles from her house in the Bronx. That’s why every morning she never left her home without praying and worshiping with her Father God. She never stopped until her tank was completely topped off with premium Spiritual Power from The Holy Spirit. You see folks, Amber could remain fearless and be strong in courage because God never failed her, and He would always be around and would never forsake her. See> (Deuteronomy 31) 6 Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.

After prayer and spiritual fulfillment, Amber would trust Her Father God knowing in her heart she’d be able to take on Satan’s evildoers without fear. See> (Psalm 56:11) 11 In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me.

Amber had so great a faith and trust in God to guide and protect her, when she witnessed on the streets with hope of saving a soul or two. She feared nothing, not even death. For she knew if she died serving her Father God, Her death would only mean life ever after with her Father God in Heaven.

My Final thoughts
Wow folks, Amber knew how to live as Jesus lived. Because her heart loved and desired to serve her Father God. A heart that desired to share Gods love and grace. Every morning she knew the darkness Satan would throw at her. She knew she would be defeated without God fighting for her. So, she kept Him in her heart knowing that together they were able to defeat Satan every time.

Let us pray
Dear Father God, our hearts are ever so grateful that your love for us made a clear way for us to defeat Satan’s evildoers. All we need to do is trust in Your word that you’ll be there through our time of battle with your enemies. God, we are proud Christian soldiers, proud and thankful of your loving grace. And we all know that with you God, we will be victorious when Satan attacks. We thank you God. Oh, how our hearts are forever grateful. In your Son’s Jesus Christ's name we all do pray, amen.

Rev James Erick