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God’s News 4~2 Day’s Daily Inspirational Written by Rev James Erick. Studied with the King James Bible. August 30th ,2019

Many of us had big dreams and plans about growing up to become someone people respected due to our accomplishments. We were determined to become a successful man or woman. So, we set our goals and begin to enter our young adult life.  We learn about the difficulties the devil puts on us as we strive to become who we’d envisioned ourselves to be. We never met our goals and became respected, for who would respect a broken man?

This is where Satan plays on people’s emotions. You see folks the last thing Satan wants to see is a child of God succeed through their faith in Christ. That mean old Satan begins telling folks they failed their God, they failed at achieving their dreams. Putting in their heads that they are a nobody, a loser. The devil does this because he knows where our weaknesses are, and he plays every string of our emotions trying to tweak them against each other to cause confusion. If we don’t get help soon our faith will begin to weaken, our souls begin to tremble as the devils attacking us in full strength. He's trying to weaken our faith, so the power of God won’t be upon us. “Folks This is where we, “STOP,” rebuke the devil and command him to leave. See (James 4:7) 2 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

How we beat the Devil. My final thoughts.

By living and serving God the way Jesus Christ taught His disciples to live teaching others how to live as He lived, honoring our Father God's will for His disciples/Christians, to live as He lived. That’s the only way to beat the devil folks. By learning the knowledge that our Father left for us to read and study. Trusting in faith as we learn how to live like Jesus reading, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, God’s word. This is the way God intended to teach and guide His children as “We now walk upon this earth." See (2 Timothy 3) 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

Let us pray.

Lord we come together this morning with strong faith in knowing you’re always standing by everyone’s hearts doorway. Just a knock away from welcoming them to enjoy a lifestyle of significance.  Lord, we thank you for providing your Christians the ability they need through learning the word of God to lead folks towards a positive and righteous lifestyle pleasing God and life filled with happiness and joy only our Lord Jesus can provide. In Your name Jesus Christ, we all do pray amen.
See (Revelation 3:20) 20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Rev James Erick

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