Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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Gods News 4~2Days Daily Inspirational. Written by Rev James Erick Sept 4th, 2019
Studied with the King James Bible


Every morning folks around the world wake up knowing their Father God’s love for them has blessed them with another day of life. They know their Father God loves them and shielded them no matter how rough, sad or joyful their day had been. They know they can only make it through every day because their Lord Jesus Christ will guide them. See> (Job 42;2) I know that thou canst do every thing, and that no thought can be withholden from thee..

They know this because they have listened in obedience to their Lord’s lead with their open and sincere human hearts. Hearts that once belonged to the world, but now live honoring their Father God's will for them to serve Him, “their Father God. They know they were given the ability to conquer any troubles they may encounter each day with boldness, knowing in their hearts their Father God will keep His promise to them, because their faith in Him is strong in that, they’ll be able to do anything because their Father God is always with them. And through Him all things are possible for God’s children, who face the world every day in obedience to their Father God’s will and His laws.

My Final thought
So, my questions are to every human being on earth this morning who’s viewed this world 1. What happens to all the other folks on earth who don’t wake up knowing they are alive that morning, because their Father God blessed them with life?
2. Will one of God’s children speak about God’s blessings of life to them? 3. Will anyone tell them they don’t need to worry about what ever has been troubling them? Or they don’t need stay stressed everyday over current events?
4. Will anyone who represents God and all His righteousness tell this person about their Father God’s blessings and promises? 5. Does every one of God’s Christian who have viewed this today understand it is their responsibility to act as Jesus Christ would?
6. Folks if God’s children don’t start coming out to face the evil corruption in this world, what do you believe will be the outcome?
7. After all folks, imagine what this world would be like without God’s children honoring His will?

Dear Lord, we have offered up our lives in order to serve You. In order to live our lives serving and honoring our Father God’s will. Lord we don’t hide our failures to you, we’ve S learned to give our problems to you. And trust that with you they will be taken care of.
o, this morning Lord, we ask you remind and guide us as we go out into the world teaching others about God’s blessings. If we don’t step up to do so, who will? In your name Jesus Christ we all do pray, amen.

Reverend James Erick

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