Cheri Berens's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 190 of 346 in Wall Photos

So I was going through old memes that tell what’s in my book and came across this one. After the election in Egypt, several hundreds of complaints were filed with the Supreme Court Judges for various types of ballot rigging, violence, and bribing. There were 456 different types of voting violations. And though it was clear that Shafiq won, Muhammad Morsi was declared winner of the presidential election.

I have to tell you, what is happening now in America brings back horrid memories of what happened in Egypt. The destruction of Egypt was partly due to U.S. mainstream media lies that covered up the truth about what was really happening in Egypt, and of course, partly due to U.S. Deep State involvement in Egypt.

Over the last few years I’ve slowly had less nightmares, nightmares of what I witnessed and went through in Egypt, but now, with this fraudulent presidential election in America, old horrible memories are flooding back into my mind and the nightmares are returning. In the Introduction to my book, and also in the last chapter, I mention that Egyptians became complacent and I warn Americans: do not be complacent. I'm going to give this same warning again because I believe we still have time to save our country. Do not become complacent.