Cheri Berens's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 191 of 346 in Wall Photos

In a letter written two years ago, Kamala Harris praised CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood in America, for their “tireless work to promote peace, justice and mutual understanding.” In the letter, Kamala praises CAIR for improving "understanding about Islam."

Yet, according to Islamic Doctrine, “peace” is when Islam takes over the entire population of the world and Islamic Law is implemented on all people. Only then can there be “peace”. And also according to Islamic Doctrine, “justice” can only occur under Islamic Law. If it is Islamic Law—whether chopping off a head of a Christian (for no reason other than his Christianity and failure to convert to Islam)—then it is justice—because this punishment is stated in the Quran and was a behavior condoned by Muhammad.
Kamala supports the Muslim Brotherhood in America and their "tireless work" to promote "peace and justice." Be wary.

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