Cheri Berens's Album: Wall Photos

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President Trump’s “Constitutional Plan” involves two steps: First the Courts, then the House. The Trump Campaign, RNC, various state GOP Parties and third-party organizations are filing county, state and federal lawsuits. The objective is to get ballots invalidated. HOWEVER, the secondary objective is to expose “corruption” to state reps and US House and Senate Leaders.

Win or lose in court, the next step is the GOP State Legislatures in PA, MI, WI, AZ and GA. State Legislatures have the Constitutional authority to appoint their own slate of Electors, loyal to President Trump, if they deem their state’s “POPULAR VOTE IS CORRUPTED”. The State GOP Legislature of Georgia, for example, can conclude that the popular vote has been corrupted and appoint a “competing slate” of electors loyal to President Trump.

Do your part: keep spreading the word about the fraudulent election and KEEP CALLING, EMAILING, ORGANIZAING, MARCHING, and FORCING the GOP at the State and Federal levels to appoint a Republican slate of electors for President Trump.

According the Constitution, in the case of disputes about competing electoral slates, it could end up with the President of the Senate, VP Pence, deciding which to accept and which to reject. Photo: Louisiana Newspaper spreading the word about stolen votes! Keep on spreading details about the election fraud.

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