As we prepare for change here at PAO, I want to thank each of you for your Patriotism, because that's the whole reason why PAO was created.
We will continue to discuss the events of the day, but at least through these last 10 years, we have put ourselves in position to defeat the globalists once and for all, and restore the country and the world to a peaceful place that we've never truly known in our lifetimes.
And in so doing, we will leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren. So a big pat-on-the-back to each of us for collectively fighting for a better America.
And on a personal note, to my lovely wife who is still in the hospital since mid December, I will move HEAVEN AND EARTH to get you better and to bring you home, for you are the love of my life ♥️
by Andrew Zarowny, 9/6/2018
Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice, is allegedly under investigation for his role in the FISA warrant abuse case. So claimed attorney Joseph DiGenova last night when he appeared on Sean Hannity′s program on Fox News. This is a real bombshell if true, as it means that the DOJ is severely rudderless. According to DiGenova, the DOJ Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, is investigating Rosenstein for his role as the primary authority who authorized submitting the fourth FISA search warrant request to continue surveillance on former Trump campaign worker, Carter Page.
The bombshell came up during a panel discussion Hannity held with reporters Sara Carter, Greg Jarrett and Joe DiGenova on President Donald Trump declassifying 20 pages of the last FISA warrant request. The implications are that the FBI and DOJ were deliberately misleading the FISA court judges in this series of requests by not revealing crucial details about the primary piece of evidence, the Christopher Steele dossier, used to justify the need for the warrants. Given what we know now, it would appear that the deception on the judges began with the very first FISA warrant request made in October, 2016. Every 90 days, another request was made to extend the warrant.
If Rod Rosenstein is under investigation for deliberately misleading a judge to obtain the surveillance warrant, a potentially criminal act, then how can he remain at his job? Especially his position as overseeing the Robert Mueller probe into alleged Trump-Russia collusion? This would be a severe conflict of interest, further tainting an already heavily tainted investigation. There are so many conflicts of interest with Robert Mueller and most of his team that whatever they do will be highly suspect of being biased.
DiGenova is a law partner with his wife, Victoria Toensing, who is representing Douglas Campbell, the FBI informant in the Uranium One case. Campbell claims to have documentation and recordings which allege that Hillary Clinton used the Uranium One deal to secure over $140 Million dollars to her family charity, often called the Clinton Foundation by The Media. Sara Carter claims that she has heard the same thing from her sources, that Rod Rosenstein is under investigation by the DOJ Inspector General, but has yet to confirm it.
The Department of Justice is a mess! Jeff Sessions is barely seen except to talk about going after MS-13. Rosenstein who was tainted and conflicted before this new allegation appears to be running things. Or letting Robert Mueller run the DOJ, another guy with taints and conflicts of interest. Now we have yet another mole or leaker in the Trump administration making wild accusations. We had a bunch at the start on the administration, with over 90 major leaked stories just in the first 100 days. Sessions told us back around May, 2017, that there were some 27 investigations into leaking. So far, only one person has been arrested, tried and convicted. Meanwhile, the FBI and DOJ are running amok going after Trump associates, perhaps even family members, all in an effort to oust President Trump, himself. Clearly, something has to be done to regain control and restore order, and confidence, in the FBI and DOJ.
For more REAL NEWS and views follow Andrew Zarowny on MeWe, or on Twitter @mrcapitalist. Also follow Andy at his own website, www.nationalistpundit.com. Support this website via Patreon.