As we prepare for change here at PAO, I want to thank each of you for your Patriotism, because that's the whole reason why PAO was created.
We will continue to discuss the events of the day, but at least through these last 10 years, we have put ourselves in position to defeat the globalists once and for all, and restore the country and the world to a peaceful place that we've never truly known in our lifetimes.
And in so doing, we will leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren. So a big pat-on-the-back to each of us for collectively fighting for a better America.
And on a personal note, to my lovely wife who is still in the hospital since mid December, I will move HEAVEN AND EARTH to get you better and to bring you home, for you are the love of my life ♥️
by Andrew Zarowny, 10/3/2018
Make way for ICEGATE! The sheer lunacy of the Far Left is now revealed in the latest accusation against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He threw ice at somebody while at Yale! As George Takei would say, ″Oh My!″. How on earth could we allow somebody to sit on the Supreme Court who throws ice around? The outrage of it all! Oh the humanity! Will no one rid us of this angry lawyer? You see where I am going with this...
As the FBI wraps up its 7th background check of Brett Kavanaugh, it appears that the stories from his three accusers are all falling apart. Nobody can verify any of their allegations. Even two of the accusers have been walking back their stories. As if being part of an alleged rape gang in high school would not have come up in any of the previous 6 FBI background checks! All of these allegations are ludicrous and unsubstantiated. None of them should have ever been made public, causing the shameful attacks on Kavanaugh and his family. Even this ice story has no legs as no complaint nor charges were ever filed.
NBC News even tried to float the least credible one again but even they could not offer any corroboration. So the point was not informing the public but to engage in character assassination. President Donald Trump was correct back during his 2016 campaign when he said that our country′s libel laws need to be reformed.
We also now have confirmation that many, if not most, of those protesting against Judge Kavanaugh by accosting Senators are bought and paid for by billionaire George Soros. His organization, Open Society, is funding many of the groups attacking Kavanaugh. This is not new as we saw during the 2016 campaign when Democrat operatives hired protesters to disrupt rallies for then Candidate Donald Trump. The man behind the hiring of protesters was a frequent visitor to the Barack Obama White House, meeting there almost daily with Obama staff to plan and coordinate the protests. Some of the protesters were paid as much as $1500 for one day of demonstrating public anger.
Hopefully, with the FBI completing its 7th investigation into Judge Brett Kavanaugh′s life and character, this madness will be put to rest soon. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is planning for a Senate vote to confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, possibly as early as Saturday. Then, all we have to worry about is the Democrats winning in November, as they have vowed to impeach Kavanaugh.
For more REAL NEWS and views follow Andrew Zarowny on MeWe, or on Twitter @mrcapitalist. Also follow Andy at his own website, www.nationalistpundit.com. Support this website via Patreon.
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