As we prepare for change here at PAO, I want to thank each of you for your Patriotism, because that's the whole reason why PAO was created.
We will continue to discuss the events of the day, but at least through these last 10 years, we have put ourselves in position to defeat the globalists once and for all, and restore the country and the world to a peaceful place that we've never truly known in our lifetimes.
And in so doing, we will leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren. So a big pat-on-the-back to each of us for collectively fighting for a better America.
And on a personal note, to my lovely wife who is still in the hospital since mid December, I will move HEAVEN AND EARTH to get you better and to bring you home, for you are the love of my life ♥️
by Andrew Zarowny, 11/22/2018
Happy Thanksgiving! This day we, as Americans, are to give thanks to Almighty God for His blessings upon us. I thank God for President Donald J. Trump! It is truly wonderful to have a man, a REAL MAN, in the White House. President Trump is a fighter, and he has been battling many enemies, mostly domestic, but some foreign, to Make America Great Again! Both our economy and foreign policy are robust and successful thanks to President Donald Trump. Gone are the days of the ′girly-man′ apologizing and the New Normal of economic malaise. Now, if only President Trump can build that wall and remove that last disgrace, Obamacare, we can have a country we all can be proud of!
I will be celebrating this Thanksgiving much as I did last year, watching the History Channel ″Forged In Fire″ marathon, topped off with the 2018 edition of ″Bladesgiving″. The shows′ hosts, Will Willis, Doug Marcaida and the rest will be joined by the co-host of ″Forged In Fire: Knife Or Death″, Tu Lam. He is a veteran of U.S. Special Forces, a Green Beret. This guy is a human wedge of muscle, courage and fighting skills. Others from ″Knife Or Death″ will join the crew, showing off their competitive knife skills as they slice and dice turkey and pumpkin pies with swords and over-sized edged weaponry. I love it!
Yes, 2018 has been a good year thanks to God and President Donald Trump! As we begin the annual holiday season, I also wish to thank all of you who read my musings. May you all have a safe and happy time today!
For more REAL NEWS and views follow Andrew Zarowny on Twitter @mrcapitalist. Also follow Andy at his own website, www.nationalistpundit.com and look for his new blogs at http://proamericaonly.org/. Support this website via Patreon.