I'd like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to President Trump and Vice President Vance!
May these next 4 years be peaceful and prosperous and may our futures reflect all the success that lies ahead!!!
"One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all!"
God Bless America ♥️
by Andrew Zarowny, 12/17/2018
The news media is mad again at the Trump administration. The annual White House correspondents Christmas party was canceled. An announcement was made last week that President Donald Trump decided to cancel the party. This set off yet another round of outrage by so-called journalists. They got into such a lather that some news organizations photo-shopped images of the President, morphing him into the Grinch who stole Christmas. There was such a party last year, which is typically an occasion for members of the news media to bend elbows with White House staff, get pictures taken with the President and First Lady, and allow their spouses to get a tour of the White House holiday decorations.
Any rational person can understand why the party was canceled this year. The Fake News Media has been extra naughty in spreading lies and attacking the President, his wife, his family, his staff and his cabinet. Instead of blaming President Trump for the cancellation, they should blame themselves! Especially with characters like CNN′s Jim Acosta, who has turned the daily press briefings into a vile, one-man act. Why would anyone in the Trump administration want to socialize with Acosta?
The news media has gotten completely out of hand. Just look, for example, at last week’s diatribe from ″crazed″ Mika Brzezinski of MSNBC′s ″Morning Joe″. She used a homophobic slur against Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for which she was forced to apologize after the LGBTQ community was offended. As pointed out in a tweet on Twitter by President Trump, had any Conservative said such a thing, he or she would have been fired immediately. But, since Mika supports the abortion of infant children, she gets a pass.
I have no doubt that President Trump would like to have a better relationship with the news media. He has been very cooperative in the past with holding press conferences, doing interviews, and answering questions on the fly. His administration is the most transparent of any we have seen in in post-WW2 history. So, he is doing his part to make such a relationship work to the benefit of the American people. However, the Fake News Media is not as generous. More than 90% of their coverage is negative and highly biased against the President. The news media rarely even mentions any of the many successes of the Trump administration, which has accomplished more in less than 2 years than other administrations do in 8 years. So, as long as the news media continues on this course, not only will there be no parties, but their approval numbers by the American people will continue to decline.
For more REAL NEWS and views follow Andrew Zarowny on Twitter @mrcapitalist. Also follow Andy at his own website, www.nationalistpundit.com and look for his new blogs at http://proamericaonly.org/. Support this website via Patreon.
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