I'd like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to President Trump and Vice President Vance!
May these next 4 years be peaceful and prosperous and may our futures reflect all the success that lies ahead!!!
"One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all!"
God Bless America ♥️
* ATTN Arizona! Conservatives MUST take ACTION!
* Seems the ESTABLISHMENT wants Cindy McCain to replace John the RINO.
* Rumor has it the Governor would appoint her to his seat.
* There are bad ideas then there are bad ideas...THIS IS BAD!
* You must take ACTION! Call, write, post to the Governor, say NO!!!
* Have a friend or family member in AZ? Call, write, push them to take ACTION!
* Only YOU can move the Senate to the right by taking ACTION!
* PAO's "Your State" forum needs your ACTION!