The update is that we're in the process of switching from PAO Social to PAO Blog this week. The design hasn't been completed so they're still working on that, and that's what the delay is. I hope everyone enjoyed their Labor Day weekend, and here's to a great September as we continue to do all we can do to get President Trump back into the White House so the cleanup can begin!
* ATTN Arizona! Conservatives MUST take ACTION!
* Seems the ESTABLISHMENT wants Cindy McCain to replace John the RINO.
* Rumor has it the Governor would appoint her to his seat.
* There are bad ideas then there are bad ideas...THIS IS BAD!
* You must take ACTION! Call, write, post to the Governor, say NO!!!
* Have a friend or family member in AZ? Call, write, push them to take ACTION!
* Only YOU can move the Senate to the right by taking ACTION!
* PAO's "Your State" forum needs your ACTION!