• Jeff Hertzog
    I WARNED AMERICA YEARS BACK ABOUT #TEDCRUZ when he got started & this articles proves HE IS A SELLOUT! Thank you Mr. #GoldmanSachs!
    Ted Cruz Caves to #Democrat #AmyKlobuchar on #Media Cartel Bill
    #Texas voters remember this! Time to consider...  more
    Exclusive — Cruz Caves to Democrat Klobuchar on Media Cartel Bil
  • Robert Smiith
    #AmyConeyBarrett Corrects #AmyKlobuchar: 'I Don't Attack People, Just Ideas'
    Amy Coney Barrett Corrects Amy Klobuchar: 'I Don't Attack People
  • Robert Smiith
    #Minnesota In 2006 #AmyKlobuchar Failed to Charge Police Officer #DerekChauvin After Shooting Death of Native American - On Monday that Same Officer Killed #GeorgeFloyd
    via @gatewaypundit
    In 2006 Amy Klobuchar Failed to Charge Police Officer Derek Chau
    • William Morey reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Carlo Bruhn Im glad to see conservatives speak out when police use exsessive force. We The People entrust the police with the power of life and death over the citizens so weve got to hold them to the highest standard when they use it. If police become the enemy's...  more
    • Robert Smiith
      Jeff Paulk The guy is face down and handcuffed. No need for the knee on the neck routine. Too many thugs wearing badges and uniforms today.
  • Robert Smiith
    #AmyKlobuchar Is Being Vetted To Be #Biden's VP, But Black Activists Are Warning Him Not To Choose Her
    via @amlookout
    Amy Klobuchar Is Being Vetted To Be Biden's VP, But Black Activi
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