• Jeff Hertzog
    God's Word for #America; if anyone even under any guise including 'health' demands or wants to stop by force you from eating Red Meat #RedMeat that is not only #communist & #fascist but Doctrine of #Satan #Lucifer #Beelzebub! This includes those in...  more
  • Jeff Hertzog
    Congratulations #America you should why I say #AmericaUnderJudgement #AmericaInApostasy - Instead of donating to the over 25 #SocialMedia Platforms I am on to keep #FreeSpeech going, NO THEY ARE NOT MAKING ANY MONEY, I KNOW THAT I KNOW THE COSTS OF...  more
  • Jeff Hertzog
    I am this weekend calling for prayer )those who follow my church website)
    1. My enemy Tom "Big Bad Wolf: Dictator of #Pennsylvania, who did NOTHING in 2018 after pleas for help while abused and almost killed at Valley Manor Nursing Home, and did all the...  more
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