• Robert Smiith
    #Oregon’s New #SecretaryOfState (#Democrat) CAUGHT Hosting Birthday Gathering In Defiance Of Governor’s #COVIDOrders
    Oregon's New Secretary Of State (Democrat) CAUGHT Hosting Birthd
  • Robert Smiith
    'We Won't Survive It': Struggling #Illinois #RestaurantOwner Left with No Choice but To Defy #COVIDOrders
    'We Won't Survive It': Struggling Illinois Restaurant Owner Left
    • Mickey Thompson reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Steve Fine Ironically in Chicago the vast majority of these business owners supported Pritzker. You get what you vote for.
  • Robert Smiith
    “Get Out! – Go Get a Warrant!” – #BusinessOwners in #BuffaloNewYork Stand Up to #Cuomo’s #CovidOrders, Kick Out #Sheriff and “Health Inspector” (VIDEO)
    "Get Out! - Go Get a Warrant!" - Business Owners in Buffalo, New
    • George K reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      George K
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