• Robert Smiith
    Senators announce national #FaceMask legislation withholding funds from states who don’t comply
    Senators announce national face mask legislation withholding fun
    • Michele D. and 1 other reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Jeff Paulk They need to be dragged out of the Capitol and hung by the neck.
      • November 28, 2020
  • Robert Smiith
    #NEWJERSEY JUSTICE: #GovPhilMurphy Gets Caught #Dining Without a #FaceMask
    JERSEY JUSTICE: Gov. Phil Murphy Gets Caught Dining Without a Fa
    • Patrick Leeper and 1 other reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Jeff Paulk "Face diapers for thee, but not for me."
  • Robert Smiith
    “They’re #HealthNazis!” #Memphis to Require #Diners to Wear #FaceMask While Eating Ribs
    "They're Health Nazis!" Memphis to Require Diners to Wear Face M
    • Jeff Paulk reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Patricia Mascari The people do not realize that they have the power to stop all of this nonsense! Just say no!!
    • Robert Smiith
      Jeff Paulk The ONLY way these idiots win is if people comply with their stupid, tyrannical, unconstitutional regulations. DO NOT COMPLY! Hide 1 Reply
        • Robert Smiith
          Patricia Mascari a membership big store told me if I do not wear a mask they will cancel my membership and refund back the difference. I will not ever be allowed to shop there again! How is this legal in Tx???
          • Robert Smiith
            Jeff Paulk It isn't legal. Call the sheriff while there and state that they are violating federal law in discriminating against you. Mask regulations are NOT law, they are "recommendations".
            • Robert Smiith
              Patricia Mascari They claim that they are private property and they have the right to do it!
  • Justin Derby
    Here is my new video where I discuss how antibody tests and face masks are completely useless when it comes to diagnosing and combating the Wuhan Flu. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR reach its goal of...  more
    • Patriotism Dawning reacted on this.
    • Justin Derby
      Patriotism Dawning I'll watch when I'm through watching "Battle Lines Drawn" by Truth & Art TV - I'll also share it (provided you approve) on 8 other social media sites.
      Here's a good video...."Your Body Is Their New Weapon" - ...  more
      • July 22, 2020
    • Justin Derby
      Patriotism Dawning Here's another of her videos exposing who's in control of human experimentation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkYen0g4TRU&feature=emb_title
      • July 22, 2020
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