• Robert Smiith
    #ProjectVeritas Releases Shocking Recordings of #FederalAgents Trying to Intimidate #USPSWhistleblower Into Recanting #ElectionFraud Claim
    Project Veritas Releases Shocking Recordings of Federal Agents T
  • Robert Smiith
    #Rioters using #lasers to blind #FederalAgents are in violation of #UNBan ratified by U.S. in 1997
    via @BIZPACReview
    Rioters using lasers to blind federal agents are in violation of
    • MAGAtwopointo forever reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      MAGAtwopointo forever These guys SO need to be rounded up like the domestic combatants that they are. Extremely frustrating that they are getting away with this...
  • Robert Smiith
    BREAKING: #AntifaTerrorist Who Threw #Bomb at #FederalAgents in #Portland is Identified -- BY HIS GRANDMOTHER!
    via @gatewaypundit
    BREAKING: Antifa Terrorist Who Threw Bomb at Federal Agents in P
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