• Robert Smiith
    #TrumpAdmin triples down, orders more feds to #Portland; 22 #RiotersArrested, face #FederalCharges
    via @BIZPACReview
    Trump admin triples down, orders more feds to Portland; 22 riote
  • Robert Smiith
    #DOJ: 18 Arrested, Face #FederalCharges After Week of #Riots at #FederalCourthouse in #Portland
    via @gatewaypundit
    DOJ: 18 Arrested, Face Federal Charges After Week of Riots at Fe
  • Robert Smiith
    IT’S A START: #Portland #Rioter Arrested With #PipeBombMaterials, Will Face #FederalCharges
    via @BigLeaguePol
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