• Alexander Rogge
  • Jeff Hertzog
    VIDEOS: Was Hurricane Ian's Destructive Path Aided by OUR OWN GO
  • Jeff Hertzog
    Kamala Harris Suggests Hurricane and Disaster Relief Should be B
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Jimmy Carbonaro While gender & sex are the same thing, equity & equality are not.
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Amy Temple What a horrible, horrible, indespicable way to treat those who lost everything !
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Rahn Lawson She is the only person with less brain cells than AOC
  • Jeff Hertzog
    Blackout in #PuertoRico: Whole Island Loses Power Amid #Hurricane Fiona as Privatized Grid Collapses https://www.democracynow.org/2022/9/19/hurricane_fiona_hits_power_puerto_rico
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Robert (Mike) Schindler Gee, I hope they don't have any electric cars
      • September 19, 2022
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