• Jeff Hertzog
    #be-saved, #bible, #bible-study, #christian-podcasts, #christian-talk, #christianity, #eric-thompson, #god, #heaven, #hell, #jesus, #jesus-christ, #jesus-is-god, #judgement, #leviticus-17, #moses, #old-testament, #one-way-to-god, #peace, #sermons
    Listen...  more
  • Jeff Hertzog
    God’s Word for #America – just as Ancient #Israel rejected #God’s Word, America is heading for #judgement ! America has willfully rejected knowledge!
    #Hosea 4:6 #kjv #kingjamesbible #bible
    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because...  more
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Althea Webb I think we are already being judged. Collapsing economy, innocent people are being arrested, criminals are being set free, inflation is at an all time high and people are starving, people are being mass murdered with the shots. God is judging us.
      • November 1, 2022
  • Jeff Hertzog
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