• Michele D.
    Swamp had Global Insurrection of governments & NGO’s, covertly attempting to implode global framework (stock markets<domino after covid Bio-Weapon pretext deployed on the world to steal Elections world-wide += pretext for Gates/Fauci swamp 5G...  more
    • Michele D.
      Michele D.
      • March 11, 2021
  • Michele D.
    Because ALL must see....

    American's who have lived in the Dem States controlled by Dems / Fake News for 60+ years - have only known Fake News... and fully believe the Kool Aid that DJT is orange-man bad...
    (MSM Fake News MKUltra + BIG Tech Geo-censoring...  more
    • Michele D.
      Michele D.
      • March 11, 2021
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