• Ramon deTorres
    Hey, Democrats.

    The dual lanes that Demoncraps have paved for themselves keep getting wider.

    Despite the spin, that is exactly what is being presented by the #LameStreamMedia in their hystrionic attacks against Justice Thomas.

    Meanwhile, conflicts of...  more
    Critics say Ginni Thomas’s activism is a Supreme Court conflict.
  • Ramon deTorres
    Hey, Democrats!

    Remember the price of gas in 2019?

    Do you also remember how much gas prices shot up after Xiden shut down oil in the US and we started importing oil?

    Well, he's at it again and the #LameStreamMedia is in denial!

    Many more...  more
  • Ramon deTorres
    The truth about Ukraine that the #LameStreamMedia is not telling you.

    Ukrainian president Zelensky just admitted that American troops will be needed to keep Ukraine from total collapse. At the same time NATO announces Ukraine will become a member of the alliance before too long. This is a non-starter for Russian President P...
  • Micah Freeman
    Micah Freeman shared Ramon deTorres's share.
    Ramon deTorres
    Trump's unhinged niece spoke out against her Uncle and the #LameStreamMedia (LSM) sided with her; probably without knowing what she believed! It was good enough to be against Trump, Niece Never Trumper.

    Now #TruckFudeau's his half-brother Kyle Kemper...  more
  • Pamela Bastian
    Sharing (I didn't write this, but I also get tired of the left's twisting of the bible only to shame people into helping illegals):
    Jesus was NOT "born in a manger" because he was an ILLEGAL ALIEN. He and his family...  more
    Baby Jesus In Cage, Part Of Dedham Church’s Immigration Nativity Scene « CBS Boston
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