• Jeff Hertzog
    Video: World Alternative Media - #MartialLaw Comes NEXT! - They're Building An #Army! https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=630a36d16620f62dd974251b
  • Jeff Hertzog
  • Jeff Hertzog
    #MartialLaw? #Democrat #Senators Demand #JoeBiden Use ‘Full Force of the Federal Government’ to Undermine #SCOTUS, Stop #States From Restricting #Abortion ...  more
    Martial Law? Dem. Senators Demand Biden Use ‘Full Force of the F
    • Micah Freeman and 1 other reacted on this.
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Althea Webb They've been trying to figure out a way to implement martial law on us and this may be how they will do it. This will then enable them to come take our guns, force the covid shots on us, and arrest us and put us into concentration camps if we refuse. Or...  more Hide 1 Reply
        • Jeff Hertzog
          Micah Freeman While your right spot on how they would want it played out let's not forget why we are here in our movement. The Nation has been lulled to sleep by nearly 3 generations of MK ULTRA and is now waking up due to our collective efforts. President Trump is...  more
          • June 27, 2022
          • Jeff Hertzog
            Micah Freeman revelation 18 to a tee.
            Also Daniel 11 the King who exalts himself above all. Babylon right there. Their NWO is coming down to be burned by fire.
            • June 27, 2022
  • Robert Smiith
  • Robert Smiith
    Attorney Lin Wood: President Trump Should Declare Martial Law to
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