• Alexander Rogge
    RT - China speaks the language of pragmatism, while the US only understands sanctions, militarism and confrontation:

    https://www.rt.com/news/574832-china-us-diplomacy-macron/ />
    #ZeroSumDiplomacy #Diplomacy #Hegemony #Pragmatism #Compromise...  more
  • Alexander Rogge
    RT - China speaks the language of pragmatism, while the US only understands sanctions, militarism and confrontation:

    https://www.rt.com/news/574832-china-us-diplomacy-macron/ />
    #ZeroSumDiplomacy #Diplomacy #Hegemony #Pragmatism #Compromise...  more
  • Jeff Hertzog
    #MIC - The #MilitaryIndustrialComplex Is Going To Absolutely Love It When #War With #RedChina Erupts - the #Chinese #military continues to deepen ties with the #Russian military - ...  more
    The Military Industrial Complex Is Going To Absolutely Love It W
  • Robert Smiith
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