• Peter Serefine
    Here is an article about "Trust Shattered" and why I wrote it.

    Available May 1st!

    https://libertylighthouse.substack.com/p/trust-shattered-cases-of-government-b5f?r=ob5nk />
    #NewBook #BookLaunch #TrustShattered
    "Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal" Set for Release
  • Peter Serefine
    My latest interview for "Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal."

    https://youtu.be/s8wZHwR5IAw?si=HTz1neiVmZeBDDlt />
    #TrustShattered #IndieAuthor #NewBook
    Trust Shattered: Cases of Government Betrayal Peter A. Serefine, Jr
  • Peter Serefine
    Friends, family, & fans, if you plan to buy my new book, it would be a huge help if you Pre-Order it before July 4th launch. Thanks!


    So Simple Even A Politician Can Understand: Serefine, Peter: 979
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