• Robert Smiith
    VIDEO: #StimulusBill Includes Millions to Help #PakistaniWomen Open #BankAccounts
    VIDEO: Stimulus Bill Includes Millions to Help Pakistani Women O
  • Robert Smiith
    Democrats' Stimulus Bill Also Sends Millions to the Communist Ma
    • Jeff Paulk and 2 others reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Floyd Kimmel There payoffs screwing us in the election Hide 1 Reply
        • Robert Smiith
          Micah Freeman TRAITORS WORTHY OF DEATH
  • Robert Smiith
    #StimulusBill sparks reality show idea: #FreezePay of #Congress members, give them $600 to live on
    Stimulus bill sparks reality show idea: Freeze pay of Congress m
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