• Rob Raskin
    Zenitram Solrac | Meanwhile in Congress While They Are Trying To Send Trump To Jail

#usa #congress #mr #massie #congressman #taxpayers #money #controversial... | Instagram
  • Jeff Hertzog
    ‘He Needs A Whooping’: #Cops Cuff & Abuse 5-Year-Old Boy For Misbehaving In #School — #Taxpayers Held Liable (Video) - #Police - (why has not that officer been prosecuted? fired? you men in blue, etc. need to lawfully crucify this bad apple!) ...  more
    ‘He Needs a Whooping’: Cops Cuff and Abuse 5yo Boy for Misbehavi
  • Jeff Hertzog
    Hero #ConcealedCarry Holder Kills #MassShooter Only To Be Killed By #Police – #Taxpayers Held Liable - #GodDamnAmerica for this Injustice! - ...  more
    Hero Concealed Carry Holder Kills Mass Shooter Only to Be Killed
    • Jeff Paulk and 2 others reacted on this.
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Jeff Paulk Chickensh*t thugs.
      • June 23, 2022
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Althea Webb As more good guys with legally owned guns stop bad guys with illegally acquired guns, the good guys will either be shot down and killed or arrested. They are getting in the way of the plans of the current regime. And that will be to show the liberal...  more
      • June 23, 2022
  • Jeff Hertzog
    The Myth That Sports Stadiums Create New Jobs and Tax Revenues |
  • Gary Gatehouse
    #garygatehouse #secretagentman #usa #america #illegalaliens #americaninvaded #biden #democrats #mainstreammedia #leftist #taxpayers #politics #ukraine #mexico #india #france #europe #uk
  • Gary Gatehouse
    #garygatehouse #secretagentman #biden #afghanistan #communistdemocrats #rinos #republicans #america #freedom #taxpayers

    Gatehouse 3 VIDEO TIME MACHINE - Afghanistan: 'Everybody in America Knows whose Fault It Is -- It Is Joe Biden's'

    watch video click...  more