• Robert Smiith
    #Trump unloads on #Georgia #SecOfState, calls him ‘enemy of the people’ over lack of #transparency
    Trump unloads on Georgia Sec of State, calls him ‘enemy of the p
  • Robert Smiith
    HUGE! #TrumpWhiteHouse Implements #ExecutiveOrder on #OnlineCensorship: Prevents #TechGiants from Altering Users' Free Speech - Demands #Transparency of Moderation Practices
    via @gatewaypundit
    HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Cen
  • Hana Xhudo
    Bailey Olson on Twitter: "#IGReport #Unredact #Declassify #Transparency @realDonaldTrump 
Better to be a "Retarded Deplorable" than a @HillaryClinton supporter ANYDAY OF THE WEEK.… https://t.co/cZf8O5oGQO"
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