• Jeff Hertzog
    #NewYorkState Fascist Communist Dictator #KathyHochul signs #Antigun Pretend Law requiring buyers to provide #socialmedia handles - #NewYork, when are you going to LAWFULLY remove this Satanic #Tyrant from Office and Prosecute her for Capital #Treason!? ...  more
    New York approves gun law requiring buyers to provide social med
    • Althea Webb reacted on this.
    • Jeff Hertzog
      Althea Webb She's not going to stop until she gets her way. She is going to take their guns one way or another and then their crime rate will skyrocket!
      • July 2, 2022
  • James Lang             Minister
    Supreme Court Unanimously Rules Against Cops Seizing Guns Without a Warrant
    May 18, 2021 Mike Glenn Latest News, Politics 0 Comments

    The Supreme Court secured a major victory for gun rights Monday as it unanimously ruled that seizing firearms while...  more
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