• Justin Derby
    Here is my new video where I respond to a recent CBC article where they complain about BitChute videos starting to get hundreds of thousands to a couple million views. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR...  more
  • Justin Derby
    Here is my new video where I show that atheists will literally reject all scientific data in order to justify their worldview of evolution, deep time, and big bang cosmology. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and...  more
  • Justin Derby
    Here is my new video where I respond to Prager University's recent video where they claimed that Israel should be the standard by which we set our moral compasses. If you like what you see, feel free to subscribe to my BitChute channel and help TTOR...  more
    PragerU Claims That Israel Should Be Our Moral Compass
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