• Jeff Hertzog
    Video: Pastor Bryan Denlinger - #sermon #scriptures #bible #biblestudy #kjv #kingjamesbible - A More Sure Word Of #Prophecy: #Russia Will Win #WW3 https://youtu.be/a6PdmEzNX2E
    I believe the "churches" of the West (America, Canada, and Europe) will go AGAINST the scriptures, and try to defend their own countries (all of which are pro-sodomy) and claim that God will help them win World War 3. They will do this to protect their Fe...
  • Althea Webb
    Althea Webb shared Rahn Lawson's share.
  • Rahn Lawson
    • Susan Taapken reacted on this.
    • Rahn Lawson
      Jeff Paulk The Great River Euphrates . . . Was Dried Up: In Chapter 9, verses 13-19, under the sixth trumpet (the second woe) we saw how the river Euphrates depicted the rise of the Turkish Empire. Now the sixth vial reveals the end of its dominion and power. ...  more
      • December 13, 2022
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        • Rahn Lawson
          Rahn Lawson The book of Revelations is a prophecy of events that are yet to come. The second woe has yet to happen.
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