• MinistryOf Truth
    I'm all for #reparations, with one condition:
  • Jeff Hertzog
    Should Americans Be Sold Into Slavery to Pay Slavery Reparations
  • Jeff Hertzog
  • Robert Smiith
    Campus Activists Demand Free Tuition and Reparations
    • Robert Smiith
      Timothy Browning Where's our reparations for supporting welfare deadbeats?
  • Robert Smiith
    #ProvidenceMayor #Reparations
    via @BreitbartNews
    Providence Mayor Signs Order to Pursue 'Reparations Process'
    • Gordon Dailey and 1 other reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Jessica Parkhurst That mayor is not playing with a full deck Hide 1 Reply
        • Robert Smiith
          Robert Smiith I can assure you that whatever is done won't be enough. There will always be demands for MORE REPARATIONS. I've read that freed slaves were given the choice of a paid trip back to their homeland in Africa which some took and the others were paid...  more
    • Robert Smiith
      Roger Pipkin Let me muddy the waters even further. George Abbott was the first recorded slave owner in the colonies. He had three slaves, two white and one black. Mr Abbott was a black man. What are you going to do with that one you reparation clods???
  • Robert Smiith
    #NorthCarolina city votes unanimously to provide #reparations and #apologizeforslavery
    via @BIZPACReview
    North Carolina city votes unanimously to provide reparations and
    • Robert Smiith
      Alan Purser Sr Come take it