As we prepare for change here at PAO, I want to thank each of you for your Patriotism, because that's the whole reason why PAO was created.
We will continue to discuss the events of the day, but at least through these last 10 years, we have put ourselves in position to defeat the globalists once and for all, and restore the country and the world to a peaceful place that we've never truly known in our lifetimes.
And in so doing, we will leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren. So a big pat-on-the-back to each of us for collectively fighting for a better America.
And on a personal note, to my lovely wife who is still in the hospital since mid December, I will move HEAVEN AND EARTH to get you better and to bring you home, for you are the love of my life ♥️
Having had 7 accounts before I deactivated them all today for Facebitch, when I would go to another account once one was banned for the 30 days I constantly got I could easily scroll down the list of names of people it suggested I make friends with, AND SINCE, most were or had been friends on one of the other accounts it would say "you and so in so have Warren Garrison as a mutual friend, or Bruce, or Bruce W. a couple of the names which were actually my names, just one time first and last, other times a little change up from Bruce Warren G. The last account I lost today because I encouraged Maxine Waters to DIE and called her an old DOG, that one only had a little over 600 friends. The 5,000 account I'm gonna really miss because I do like my Soap Box. BUT the other night on this 600 account I had posted my having gone out and walked up on a rattler. WHEN time permits I might take them off, when it doesn't I grab them by the tail and pop their neck, the one the other night suffered that Chiropractic maneuver, unfortunately it's one they don't live through. Anyway, I posted it and on the 5,000 account BAM! in min's I would be getting 30-40 responses, everything from DAMN, to "You fool", but I didn't get any. SO I said, "am I getting out, no one is responding" and immediately I got like 20 replies that "we read everything you post even though we might not respond, keep up the good work".
SO at this point I'm going to miss my audience. Let's get this thing going. Just the other night on PBS "Pure Bull Shit" they gave MeWe a good word, even had the main dude that's doing that. He looked awfully familiar, wasn't he in with Zuckerburg at some point in time?
This post was edited by Warren Garrison at May 23, 2018 4:28 PM PDTWell don't know what to say really. You have a few facebook features but still something is missing. I'm sure you ARE NOT the assholes Mark Zuckerburg and his crew are. Question? ARE the features of facebook in some way copy righted? You know i look over there and it's nothing special really but I guess we're just use to it. Many of those ads on the right side are too often spam which when clicked on, DEMAND you call some company to fix your computer that goes down. I've always believed Zuckerburg gets a percentage of that, or it's his deal entirely. Fk's your computer up and then his people fix it for a price.
BUT what about the various options of finding a person, having your friends list showing those who are your friend. Everyone seeing what you post rather than just 10 people.
This post was edited by Warren Garrison at May 15, 2018 1:26 AM PDTThe site administrator will act on your review and you will receive an email correspondingly.
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