Posted On June 2, 2019
The Bible sheds light on great changes that will occur in various spheres of life during the last days. From a spiritual point of view there will, on the one hand, be preparations among evangelical Christians to meet the heavenly Bridegroom during His secret coming and to subsequently share with Him in the further revelation of His kingdom (Rev. 5:9-10; 20:6). On the other hand, there will be a process of moral and spiritual falling away among the large number of spiritually deceived people in anticipation of receiving the multireligious prince of peace who is described in the Bible as the Antichrist or the beast (1 John 2:18; Rev. 13:1-2). He will institute a humanistic new world order (reminiscent of the ancient Babylonian Empire) which will be fallen man’s deliberate effort to rule himself without God, and specifically also in opposition to God’s kingdom (Rev. 13:7).
The supporters of these two kingdoms are both waiting on the appearance of a messianic leader to save the world from its serious political divisions, military confrontations, moral decline, health problems and economic crises, but their perceptions on who he is differ largely from one another. The one messiah will be God’s Son from heaven who will rule by His divine power (1 Thess. 1:10; Rev. 11:15; 19:15), while the other one will arise from the sea of nations to rule the world through Satan’s power (Rev. 13:1-3). Humanity are now confronted by a final choice between the true Christ of the Bible and the false christ of all faiths. The prevailing opinion in the world is rapidly changing in favour of an antichristian new world order, and that orientation daily renders the general acceptance of an interfaith messiah a more substantial possibility.