Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
September 19th 2019. Studied with the King James Bible


The Justin’s were called upon by God to do a service for His righteous children who have called upon their Father God with their troubles and their heartaches. See> (Psalm 17:17) 17 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. Pastor Rick Justin lived to serve his Father God by assisting his brothers and sisters in Christ. The Justin’s owned and operated a small dine in motel and shortly after lunch hours the homeless folks around town could always count on a hot meal and bottled water to take with them when they leave. During the five-month winters season, Pastor Justin would open the diner doors during the night for the homeless to bed down on a warm floor rather than a frozen ground. Peggy and Pastor Rick's hearts were eager to serve their Father God anytime with their service to the community. Every morning and evening you could find Rick down near the creek in deep Spiritual prayer with God. The more Rick prayed for God to help him make his dream of helping his countries homelessness come true. But the more Rick prayed the more his heart hungered to help God’s children.

God looked down from heaven and new his child's heart, his work, his dedication to honor and serve Him. God decided to bless Pastor Rick with a special gift and Shortly after lunch the next day when the homeless were gathered at motels diner entrance. A stressed limo pulled in the motel. And a tall man stepped out and walked over to the counter where he approached Pastor Rick and handed him a vanilla envelope. Inside the envelope was a gift to him from his Father God, a gift he’ll never forget. For inside that envelope was the answer to Pastor Rick's lifelong prayers, hopes and dreams.

My final thoughts
Pastor Rick thanks his Father God every day for blessing him with a franchise of dine in Hotels which was more than capable of financially securing the Homeless ministries financial needs. Justin thrived with his Financial abilities to help our countries Homeless problem. God and Rick closed ¼ off his operational dine in Motels and opened Homeless rehabilitation live in shelters six-month step by step programs that are designed to help folks put their lives back together with the help of Jesus Christ and his dedicated servants.

Let us all pray
Dear Lord, we thank you for having servants like this fictional character Pastor Justin in this morning’s inspirational out and about the world helping folks that are less fortunate. We offer you our services this morning Lord. Lead those in need to us so we can share your blessings with them. Lord you know some of us don't have much but we promise to give and do what we can for those whom your ears have herd cry out to you., See> (Psalm 17:15) 15 The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. We love you Lord; we know your eyes are among us. We know that your ears can hear your homeless children’s cries and we want to help you to help them Lord. In your name Jesus Christ, we all do pray. Amen

Rev James Erick

(MARK 16:15) 15  And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.