Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Day's Daily Inspiration, written by Rev James Erick
June 03/2020. Studied in the King James Bible
Nobody knew how Lee had fallen off the rocks. Mr. Lee Swift enjoyed rock climbing and had been teaching students at Southeast collage the art of rock climbing for over twenty years. One of his students immediately called 911 after his fall, and then called Mrs. Swift who later met them at the hospital. The surgery was long. Reverend J C arrived after the surgeon had already informed Mrs. Swift that her husband's spinal cord had been severed completely. There was nothing more he could do for Lee, short of praying for a miracle that Lee would be able to walk again. Mrs. Swift told the surgeon, ‘Then so be it, a miracle we shall have.’ ‘No Mrs. Swift you’re not understanding me. Your husband's spine had been severed; it was impossible for me to surgically repair it.’ ‘Oh no Doctor you are wrong Mrs. Swift said,’ you just haven’t met our surgeon have you Doctor?’ ‘He is our Father God in Heaven whom my husband and I love and obey, as we try our best to live by our Fathers will and commandments. Therefore, as it is written in our Fathers God’s word, whatever we ask of Him we will receive. I know God will heal my husband Dr because I have asked Him to.’ See> (1 John 3:22) 22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. … ‘My husband will walk again, doctor. We shall call our brothers and sisters from Church, then gather back here this evening to pray over my husband some more. We will once again call upon the greatest surgeon on Earth and Heaven, knowing in our hearts our Father God will heal my husband. So, Dr, you should expect a miracle soon for I have already claimed my husband’s healing, knowing in confidence, and trusting in faith God will heal him if He wills to do.’ See> (1 John 5:14) 14 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: … ‘Therefore doctor, my husband will be walking out these doors soon with his spine made whole again, because I and those around me trust and believe it is our Father God’s will that Lee will walk again.’ The surgeon told Lee’s wife that her faith was strong, and he wished her miracle would come true. Later Reverend J C and a few members of the congregation along with Mrs. Swift, held a prayer for healing in her husband's hospital room. They all felt God's mighty presence all around them as they prayed over Lee.
My Final thoughts
That evening the Holy Spirit came over them as they were praying when His healing power miraculously fused Mr. Swift's spinal cord back together as they were praying. How was that possible Preacher? It was possible because everyone who prayed over Lee did so wholeheartedly believing in God’s word, and knowing God always keeps His word to all His children, for He does not lie. See> (Hebrews 6:18) 18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us:… Everyone was still gathered in prayer when Mr. Lee suddenly came out of his coma asking, ‘Where am I? Why are you all here?’ After a few seconds, his confused mind was able to put his thoughts in order and remembered falling. His wife filled him in with His surgeon’s diagnosis, which is the reason they were gathered in prayer, knowing God would heal him. ‘Do you believe God has healed you my love?’ Lee’s wife asked. ‘Yes dear, Lee replied. I know my Father God will heal me if he has not done so already.’ Just then the nurse came in to check on Lee, but Lee told the nurse he was ready to go home now, there is nothing more these doctors here could do for him. ‘But I cannot let you just leave sir, the nurse told Lee, you've just had surgery and There is no way…. Mr. Swift cut into the nurse's comment to inform her that his Father God has healed him. ‘Just watch me get up and walk on out of here.’ Then in his own accord and through his faith, Lee removed his blanket, stood up and stepped onto the floor and took five steps forward. Those who prayed over him were not in awe or surprised, for they expected God to heal Lee. Not one of them doubted their Father God in Heaven who had promised His children. Amen.
Let us all pray together.
Dear Father. Let us all remain strong in our faith during times when things seem impossible or hopeless. Because know that we are your children. You are our creator Father God, who can do anything you will to do for those of us who strive hard to honor your will and obey all your commandments. Help us Father to show others through our faith in you that your word is true, your word is awesome, and you will never break your promises to your children. In Your Son’s name Jesus Christ, we all do pray amen.
May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's guidance. Rev James Erick

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