Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News God's News 4 ~ 2 Day’s Daily, Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
August 12, 2020. Studied with the king James bible


It appears that today's average everyday Christian may not be who they claim to be, ‘a child of God.’ Honestly, I do not believe anyone other than our Father in Heaven realizes how many of God's people are struggling, when it comes down to committing to their Father God's will and plan for their lives. This morning God brings good news for those of us who are still struggling to live as Children of God are required to. God wants those of us whose hearts desire to love Him, and honor His will to serve Him and other folks. God's word clearly tells us if our hearts desire to love and serve our Father God, His Son Jesus Christ will direct us and guide our steps. See> (Proverbs 16:9)9 A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps. … Not only that folks, God steps it up to help those who are willing to live as people of faith to live godly, successful, and a righteous lifestyle that gives God glory. ... ‘But in what way did God step it up for us Preacher?’ God wrote us His book. A book that provides us the instruction we need to understand the Word of God, that will enable us to live our Christian lifestyles. See> (2 Timothy 3:16-17)16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. …

My final thoughts
When we as God’s children read and study our Father in Heaven’s instructions as well as His directions, we can serve others by teaching them The Gospel of Christ. Then they will learn by the examples of Jesus Christ how to live their lives on earth as righteous as they possibly can. The bottom line is that God's will for His Children is for them to serve Him.' It does not matter how we serve God, if we are obedient to His Word and serve Him, God is pleased with us. Folks there is no other way that a Christian can live a committed life. I am telling you the truth, there is no other way. Believe me because I preach through my own experiences as I tried to live with God many, many wrong ways, only to learn it’s God’s way, for He is the master, He is the one who planned our lives. It is up to us to read and study His word that He wrote in His book that we all call ‘The Holy Bible, amen.’

Let us pray
Lord, we thank you for helping us live our lives as righteous as we can. We thank our Father in Heaven for writing down the instruction we need to ensure our souls will live forevermore up in Heaven with Him. In your name Jesus Christ, we all do pray. Amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's Guidance
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